Yoichi SAI

Doing Time


Nippon Cinema   ª 

A fascinating prison film that develops it's own form of drama, far off from riots, breakouts or sadistic guards. Yoichi SAI lets the everydayness of prison and its total regulation unite with a subtle, ever-present humor. Follows the autobiographical manga by Kazuichi HANAWA.

Related Events:
Doing Time (NC 2003)

Keimusho no naka

Japan 2002

92 minutes

Yoichi SAI

Yoichi SAI, Wui Shin CHONG, Yoshihiro NAKAMURA based on a manga by Kazuichi HANAWA

Takeshi HAMADA

Tsugihiko SASAKI

About Yoichi SAI

Yoichi SAI, born in Nagano in 1949, is considered one of the most important Japanese directors of the 1990s; in his great success ALL UNDER THE MOON he was one of the first to deal with the fate of the Korean minority living in Japan, to which he himself belongs.