

Kinuyo TANAKA (1909–1977) was one of the greatest movie stars of the classic studio era of Japanese cinema and appeared in over 250 films. Her acting roles earned her numerous awards. Since 1985 an award for lifetime achievements is given out annually in her name to a chosen actress at the prestigious Mainichi Film Awards. However, TANAKA was not just successful in front of the camera, but also behind it. She was only the second female director in Japanese film history (after Tazuko SAKANE) – and the first successful one. With her debut feature LOVE LETTERS (1953), she was already invited to compete at the Cannes Film Festival. In her films, she addressed the role of women in Japanese society and put a spotlight on female protagonists and female narrative perspectives.


非常線の女, 日本 1933 (キャスト) NC24
陸軍, 日本 1944 (キャスト) NC23
彼岸花, 日本 1958 (キャスト) NC21
恋文, 日本 1953 (監督) NC21
放浪記, 日本 1962 (キャスト) NC21
, 日本 1941 (キャスト) NC21
お遊さま, 日本 1951 (キャスト) NC21
サンダカン八番娼館 望郷, 日本 1974 (キャスト) NC21
風の中の牝鶏, 日本 1948 (キャスト) NC21
乳房よ永遠なれ, 日本 1955 (監督) NC21
楢山節考, 日本 1958 (キャスト) NC21
流転の王妃, 日本 1960 (監督) NC21
女ばかりの夜, 日本 1961 (監督) NC21
煙突の見える場所, 日本 1953 (キャスト) NC20
雨月物語, 日本 1953 (キャスト) NC16
新釈四谷怪談 (前篇/後篇), 日本 1949 (キャスト) NC16