
Violence Voyager

Nippon Animation   ³ 

Bobby and his friend Akkun come upon a mysterious amusement park along their way to visit a friend and decide to take a break. They soon find out there’s something strange in the park, and an insane adventure with acid-spraying aliens, deformed monsters, and mad scientists begins. For his bizarre sci-fi-horror-mix, Ujicha used a technique called “gekimation:” painted paper cutouts that are animated by hand.


Japan 2017

83 minutes



About Ujicha

Ujicha was born 1986 in Kyoto. After graduation from Kyoto Saga Art University, he created several shorts with the gekimation technique. He was discovered by his professor, Reo ANZAI, who supported the young talent’s first feature film THE BURNING BUDDHA MAN. The movie was shown at many international film festivals.

Supporting Film

English TitleJapaneseDirectorsCountriesYearLanguageDurationPremiere
InterstitialShunsaku HAYASHIJapan2017no dialog7 Min.