Koji WAKAMATSU, born in 1936, began his career as a director of experimental political pink films. He made over 100 films and is one of the most famous and controversial directors in Japan.


実録・連合赤軍 ー あさま山荘への道程, 日本 2007 (監督) NC08
実録・連合赤軍 ー あさま山荘への道程, 日本 2007 (脚本) NC08
Go, Go Second Time Virgin, 日本 1969 (監督) NC06
Go, Go Second Time Virgin, 日本 1969 (製作) NC06
Cycling Chronicle – Landscapes The Boy Saw, 日本 2004 (監督) NC06
Geschichten hinter Wänden, 日本 1965 (監督) NC06
Geschichten hinter Wänden, 日本 1965 (脚本) NC06
Geschichten hinter Wänden, 日本 1965 (製作) NC06


Cycling Chronicle – Landscapes The Boy Saw, NC06