
Hitomi KAMANAKA, born in Toyama Prefecture in 1958, studied at Waseda University before working as as an assistant director. She later studied at the National Film Board of Canada and worked as a media activist in New York. After returning to Japan, she focused on environmental topics and produced many documentaries, mainly for television.


小さき声のカノン-選択する人々, 日本 2014 (監督) NC15
六ヶ所村ラプソディ, 日本 2006 (監督) NC11
ミツバチの羽音と地球の回転, 日本, 米国 2010 (監督) NC11
ヒバクシャ ― 世界の終わりに, 日本 2003 (監督) NC04
ヒバクシャ ― 世界の終わりに, 日本 2003 (脚本) NC04


Hibakusha – At The End Of The World, NC04
Little Voices From Fukushima, NC15
Rokkasho Rhapsody, NC11
Ashes To Honey, NC11