Daihachi YOSHIDA


Daihachi YOSHIDA was born in 1963. After graduating from Waseda University, he directed commercials and won numerous awards. In 2007, he directed his first feature film FUNUKE SHOW SOME LOVE, YOU LOSERS!, which was officially invited to the Critics` Week of the 60th Cannes International Film Festival.


紙の月, 日本 2014 (監督) NC15
桐島、部活やめるってよ, 日本 2012 (監督) NC13
桐島、部活やめるってよ, 日本 2012 (脚本) NC13
Permanent Nobara, 日本 2010 (監督) NC11
腑抜けども、悲しみの愛を見せろ, 日本 2006 (監督) NC08
腑抜けども、悲しみの愛を見せろ, 日本 2006 (脚本) NC08