Nippon Cinema ª
As a young indie director, Tetsuo had one big hit – after many failures, he has turned into a cynical dickhead. One day, he meets Ken, a talented scriptwriter, and Hiromi, a promising actress. Can they help him make his breakthrough? Eiji UCHIDA’s biting satire depicts the film business as a perverted rat race. Outstanding acting performances bring his vision closer to the truth than you might wish.
Gesu no ai
日本 2015
110 分
Third Window Films
渋川清彦, Maya OKANO, Denden, Chika UCHIDA, Shugo OSHINARI
About Eiji UCHIDA
Eiji UCHIDA was born in Brazil in 1971. In Japan, he began his career as a director of TV films and series before giving his cinema debut as a director and writer with GACHAPON (2004). His film GREATFUL DEAD (2013), which was screened at various festivals, brought him international recognition.