Junji SAKAMOTO 阪本順治
Nippon Cinema ª
Hinako and her husband Seiji have moved into a public housing complex on the outskirts of Osaka after giving up their herbal medicine shop. But it seems they still have one mysterious customer. When Seiji suddenly disappears, wild rumors start to spread among the neighbors. Junji SAKAMOTO has reassembled a cast of energetic veteran actors and delivers an odd comedy with a truly fantastic twist.
日本 2016
103 分
About Junji SAKAMOTO
Junji SAKAMOTO was born in Sakai in 1958. He started his career as an assistant director while studying, working with filmmakers like Gakuryu ISHII, among others. His directing debut KNOCKOUT (1989) won a number of newcomer awards. In 2000, his crime drama FACE was also a multi-award-winning box office hit. Nippon Connection has already screened his manga adaptation BOKUNCHI – MY HOUSE (2003 / NC ’04), the comedy THE PROJECTS (2016 / NC ’17), and the drama ANOTHER WORLD (2018 / NC ’19). His film OKIKU AND THE WORLD (2022 / NC ’23) had its world premiere at the 2023 International Film Festival Rotterdam.