Daigo MATSUI 松居大悟
Nippon Visions ½
Six teenagers are being selected through a casting process for the production of a special play in a small town. They are told that the theater production is supposed to bring out any anger or disappointment they are carrying in their hearts, and that the results will be used to decide who is ultimately selected for the show. Daigo MATSUI, who was inspired by real events, tells his story in one 74-minute take.
Aisu to amaoto
日本 2017
74 分
Humax Cinema
Kokoro MORITA, Reiko TANAKA, Taketo TANAKA, Yuzu AOKI, Guama
About Daigo MATSUI
Daigo MATSUI was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1985. During his studies at Keio University he established a theater troupe called “Gojigen”, which he still manages today. He made several short films, music videos, and worked as an actor. His first motion picture AFRO TANAKA was produced in 2012. His works have already been screened at numerous international film festivals. Nippon Connection showed his film ICE CREAM AND THE SOUND OF RAINDROPS (2017 / NC ’18).