Yukihiko TSUTSUMI 堤幸彦
Kesennuma, Voices. 3 東日本大震災復興特別企画〜2013 堤幸彦の記録〜
Nippon Cinema ª
In March 2011 the city of Kesennuma became a sad symbol of the tsunami catastrophe. This TV documentary accompanies actors and dancers Yuki and Sho IKUSHIMA to their father's hometown. Realistic but hopeful, the film asks inhabitants about ideas for a better disaster management and about their dreams and plans for the future – and the future of their home town.
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Kesennuma, Voices. 3 (NC 2014)
Kesennuma, Voices. 3 東日本大震災復興特別企画〜2013 堤幸彦の記録〜
Kesennuma, Voices. 3 Higashi nihon daishinsai fukko tokubetsu kikaku - 2013 Tsutsumi Yukihiko no kiroku
日本 2014
93 分
About Yukihiko TSUTSUMI
Born in Nagoya in 1955, Yukihiko TSUTSUMI began his career doing commercials and music videos for NTV. After making his feature film debut with SAYONARA NIPPON! in 1995, he has directed a number of successful, big-budget blockbusters while also regularly returning to his roots as an independent filmmaker.