Kazuyoshi KUMAKIRI 熊切和嘉
Nippon Cinema ª
Following a natural disaster, an orphaned girl is adopted by a distant relative. Spanning several years and locations, their relationship takes an increasingly destructive turn. MY MAN finds KUMAKIRI firing on all cylinders, switching effortlessly between psychological study, Sirkstyle melodrama, amour fou and comingofagestory, drawing career best performances from Tadanobu ASANO (winner of the first NIPPON HONOR AWARD) and Fumi NIKAIDO.
Watashi no otoko
日本 2014
129 分
Happinet, Nikkatsu, McRay, DWANGO, GyaO!
浅野忠信, Fumi NIKAIDO, Kengo KORA, Aoba KAWAI, Moro MOROOKA
About Kazuyoshi KUMAKIRI
Kazuyoshi KUMAKIRI was born in Hokkaido Prefecture in 1974. He graduated from Osaka University of Arts with his controversial debut feature KICHIKU (1997), which subsequently became an international festival hit and was invited to the Berlin International Film Festival. Nippon Connection has already shown several of his films, including A VOLATILE WOMAN (2004 / NC ’06), MY MAN (2014 / NC ’15), and #MANHOLE (2023 / NC ’23). At the 2023 Shanghai International Film Festival, YOKO (2023 / NC ’24) received awards for best film, best leading actress, and best script.