Taku KATO 加藤拓
A Stranger In Shanghai
Almost a century ago, Shanghai was a city in the midst of major turmoil. Under the foreign concessions, its population suffered extreme poverty and exploitation at the hands of the domineering Western European countries and Japan. During his career, Ryunosuke AKUTAGAWA travelled to Shanghai in the time of the emerging revolution as a newspaper correspondent. This two-part drama, which is largely based on AKUTAGAWA’s travel report “Shanghai Yuki”, delicately interlaces the realities of China at the time with the writer’s literary universe. AKUTAGAWA, now a synonym for Japanese literature, is known for his masterpiece RASHOMON, which was later made into a classic film by one of Japan’s most important and influential film directors, Akira KUROSAWA.
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A Stranger In Shanghai (NC 2020)
Drama Historical
日本 2019
2x40 分
About Taku KATO
Taku KATO, born in 1969 in Nara, has been working for the Japanese public broadcasting company NHK since 1991. His documentary KURARA: THE DAZZLING LIFE OF HOKUSAI`S DAUGHTER (2017) was shown on Nippon Connection 2018.