Only On Mondays

Nippon Retro   ² 

The most French film of the Japanese Nouvelle Vague, ONLY ON MONDAYS follows the adorable Mariko KAGA in her finest role as good-time girl Yuka through the nightclubs of Yokohama and through the arms of her men. Set on the ports amidst Japan's economic emergence in the year of the Tokyo Olympics, the film is a portrait of a modern woman dressed to impress in a patriarchal society that she learns to keep under her thumb. Effortlessly stylish, the chic clothes, light heart and inventive camera work echoes Agnès Varda's CLÉO FROM 5 TO 7 in the way its protagonist floats with exuberance.

Sat., May 31, 2014, 18:00

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35mm, 英語字幕

Getsuyobi no Yuka

日本 1964

94 分