Shinji SOMAI

Love Hotel

Nippon Retro   ² 

After witnessing the rape of his wife by money collectors of the yakuza, indebted businessman Muraki falls into blind despair and attacks Nami, a prostitute, in a love hotel. Two years later, Muraki, who is now divorced and working as a taxi driver, and Nami meet again by accident. Together, they begin an affair. Distributed as ‘Roman Porno’ by Nikkatsu in 1985, LOVE HOTEL belongs to the most outstanding and most extraordinary parts of this series. Shot in long and poetic takes and partly in lurid neon colours, SOMAI offers a deeply moving and melancholic tale of two lost souls.

Fri., June 05, 2015, 22:30

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16mm, 英語字幕


日本 1985

88 分


Noriko HAYAMI, Minori TERADA, Kiriko SHIMIZU

協力:Japan Foundation Tokyo 、 Japanisches Kulturinstitut (The Japan Foundation)