Akira KUROSAWA 黒澤明


Nippon Retro   ² 

A hot and humid summer in the city: In an overcrowded bus, a policeman has his service weapon stolen. While he searches for days through Tokyo to recover it, the weapon is used in a bank robbery. KUROSAWA’s early masterpiece blends Italian neo-realism with American police films, unfolding a precise social panorama of the megalopolis with its shopping avenues, bars, cafés, poor districts, and criminal temptations.


Tue., August 04, 2020, 20:30

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Kino des DFF

DCP, ドイツ語字幕

Thu., August 06, 2020, 18:00

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Kino des DFF

Megumi HAYAKAWA氏による導入を含む

DCP, ドイツ語字幕

Drama Thriller Classic

Nora inu

日本 1949

122 分

About Akira KUROSAWA

1910 – 1998

協力:DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum