Reika KAMATA 鎌田麗香

Junichi SAITO 齊藤潤一


Nippon Docs   ¾ 

In 1961, a spectacular criminal case shocks Japan: at what became known as the “Nabari Poison Wine” incident, five people lose their lives at a village social gathering. One of the attendants, Masaru OKUNISHI, is made out as the main suspect. Rumor has it that he wanted to kill his wife and his lover in order to end his extra-marital affair. After being questioned by the police for days, he signs a confession, only to withdraw it soon afterwards. Nonetheless, he is sentenced to death and all pleas for a retrial are denied. SLEEPING VILLAGE documents the tragic story of this case, the traumatizing effects of which still linger on today.


Tue., June 09, 2020

Sun., June 14, 2020

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Social issues Documentary Historical

Nemuru mura

日本 2018

96 分

Tokai Television Broadcasting

Geta Films

About Reika KAMATA

Reika KAMATA was born in Aichi Prefecture in 1985. After studying at Meiji University, she started working at Tokai Television in 2008. Mainly covering police investigations and judicial topics, she completed her first documentary TWO DEATH ROW INMATES (2015).

About Junichi SAITO

Junichi SAITO was born in 1967 and studied at Kansai University. He started working at Tokai Television in 1992 and has been directing documentary films since 2005, with a focus on criminal cases and the Japanese judicial system. Numerous films that he directed or produced received awards, his documentary THE HEISEI DILEMMA (2010) was shown at the 2011 Montreal World Film Festival.