Takeshi KAMEI 亀井岳


Nippon Visions   ½ 

A village in southeastern Madagascar: Young Tantely must retrieve the remains of his late sister. Together with three companions and some musical instruments, he embarks on a long march imbued with rousing musical performances and ghostly apparitions. Gorgeous landscapes serve as a backdrop for this contemplative travelogue.


Sat., June 10, 2023, 21:45

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日本国外初上映 亀井岳監督登壇予定



Family Music

ヴァタ ~箱あるいは体~
Vata – Hako aruiwa karada

日本, マダガスカル 2022

85 分

About Takeshi KAMEI

Takeshi KAMEI, born in Osaka in 1969, studied at Osaka University of Arts and Kanazawa College of Art. After working mainly as a sculptor, he began making video installations for art galleries in 2002. In 2009, he made his feature film directorial debut with CHANDMANI. In his films, which combine documentary and dramatic forms, music is always a key element. After GUITAR MADAGASCAR (2014), VATA (2022 / NC ’23) is the second film he shot in Madagascar. VATA received the 2022 SKIP CITY INTERNATIONAL D-Cinema FESTIVAL audience award.