
Special Guided Tour: Dolls And Toys From Japan

Nippon Culture   º 

The Japanese Collection Of The Hessian Doll And Toy Museum In Hanau

The Hessian Doll and Toy Museum in Hanau owns a large Japanese collection. In a special guided tour with museum director Dr. Victoria Asschenfeldt, you can learn about many interesting aspects of the dolls and toys in the exposition. With your ticket, you can also visit the entire museum on Sunday, May 29, from 10 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Note: Tickets for the guided tour will be available only at the Hessian Doll and Toy Museum and only on the day of the event. Reservations are possible in advance via info@hpusm.de.


Victoria von Asschenfeldt

Related Events:
Japanese Toys Through The Ages

Sun., May 29, 2022, 15:00

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Hessisches Puppen & Spielzeugmuseum Hanau

時間: 約60分


協力:Hessisches Puppen- und Spielzeugmuseum