Nippon Cinema   ª 

Love is a strange thing. Especially when Yoshimasa ISHIBASHI choses to tell a story about it. In his first feature film, he unfolds his broad range of artistic influences to create a truly unique and intriguingly funny experience – somewhere between a samurai revenge movie, a weird hyper-colorful fairytale and TV commercials gone wild. MILOCRORZE is funny. MILOCRORZE is moving. MILOCRORZE will get you!

About Yoshimasa ISHIBASHI

After studying art in London and Kyoto, the video artist Yoshimasa ISHIBASHI (born 1968 in Kyoto) first made advertising and short films. Since 1996 he has been a member of the artist group Kyupi Kyupi. His films are shown at exhibitions and festivals worldwide. In 2000 he produced the successful TV show "Vermilion Pleasure Night" (2000). Already in 2005 ISHIBASHI was guest at NIPPON CONNECTION with THE FUCCONS.