Shinsuke OGAWA

The Oppressed Students


Nippon Retro   ² 

THE OPPRESSED STUDENTS is a rare documentary which shows the beginning of the student protests in the late 1960s. Students of the Takasaki University barricade themselves in the school hall as a result of intimidations and violence by the school administration.

Assatsu no mori: Takasaki keizai daigaku toso no kiroku

Japan 1967

105 minutes

Shinsuke OGAWA

Koshiro OTSU

About Shinsuke OGAWA

Shinsuke OGAWA (1935-1992) dedicated his life to independent documentary film. With his production company Ogawa Productions, he made seven films starting in 1968 about the resistance of Sanrizuka farmers against airport construction. In 1974 he retreated with his film collective to Kaminoyama, Yamagata, to portray rural life.