Kahori HIGASHI 東かほり

Melting Sounds


Nippon Visions   ½ 

In her late grandmother’s garden, Koto meets an old man who lives there in a cardboard house and records everyday sounds on tape. He then buries the tapes in the ground. The two share an unusually sonorous winter. Kahori HIGASHI’s directorial debut impresses with musician xiangyu in the leading role, its relaxed narrative style and a meditative soundtrack.

Hotobori meruto saunzu

Japan 2021

80 minutes

About Kahori HIGASHI

Kahori HIGASHI, born in Tokyo in 1989, studied at the Film School of Tokyo and works as a designer. Her first short film SATURDAY LAUNDRY (2017) won the Grand Prix at the Tachikawa Meigazadori Cinema Festival. In 2021, she made her feature debut MELTING SOUNDS (NC ’22), which was screened at several film festivals.