Yutaka TSUCHIYA 土屋豊

What Do You Think About the War Responsibility of Emperor Hirohito? (Part Yasukuni, Aug. 15, 1996)

あなたは天皇の戦争責任についてどう思いますか? (96.8.15 靖国篇)

Nippon Digital   ½ 

"With this work I have dealt with the 'Emperor Taboo'. I did an interview at Yasukuni Shrine on the anniversary of the end of the Second World War. My question was: 'What do you think about the war responsibility of Emperor Hirohito?'."

あなたは天皇の戦争責任についてどう思いますか? (96.8.15 靖国篇)
Anataha tenno no sensosekinin nitsuite do omoimasuka – Yasukunihen

Japan 1997

53 minutes


About Yutaka TSUCHIYA

Yutaka TSUCHIYA, born in 1966, founded VideoAct! in 1998, a distributor of independent political films. His documentaries often aroused the (not harmless) ire of Japanese nationalists.