Animation Across Borders – A Selection Of Independent Shorts

Nippon Animation   ³ 

Independent animated films know no national borders: The program curated by film scholar Dr. Catherine MUNROE HOTES presents short films by female animation filmmakers made in different parts of the world. A selection from Maya YONESHO’s DAUMENREISE series of short films provides the framework for the program.


Sun., June 02 2024, 11:30

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NAXOS Cinema

In presence of the directors Çağıl HARMANDAR and Maya YONESHO

NOT approved for persons under 18 years

Animation Crossing Borders Short

English TitleJapaneseDirectorsCountriesYearLanguageDurationPremiere
Daumenreise 39 Linz: Linzer Lust Maya YONESHOGermany, Austria2019no dialog3 Min.
crystal plumYewon KIMJapan2021Original with English subtitles12 Min.German premiere
The Bridge希望のかけ橋Izumi YOSHIDAPoland2022no dialog22 Min.German premiere
Daumenreise 7 Poznan: Kogel-mogel, tej!Maya YONESHOPoland2008no dialog3 Min.
Deforming After TransformingFukumi NAKAZAWAEstonia2021no dialog9 Min.German premiere
VisionÇağıl HARMANDARJapan2022no dialog8 Min.
Daumenreise 46 Torino: TOminiMaya YONESHOItaly2023no dialog4 Min.