
Kakashiza: Hand Shadow Workshop

Nippon Culture   º 

In this workshop with renowned theater troupe Kakashiza from Yokohama, you will learn about various funny characters from hand shadow theater and easily create a penguin, a bird or a mouse, simply with the help of your hands!


Kayo KIKUMOTO, Kei GOTO, Natsumi SAKURAMOTO, Ryuichi YOSHIMURA, Saya NAMIKAWA, Shuichi IIDA, Stefano Moretti

Related Events:
Workshop & Performance With Kakashiza

Thu., May 26, 2022, 13:00

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Internationales Theater Frankfurt

Duration: approx. 2 h

Workshop in Japanese with German translation

Kindly supported by The City of Yokohama Frankfurt Representative Office and Referat für Internationale Angelegenheiten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main