
Nippon Cinema   ª 

Ji-ho, the South-Korean exchange student, seems to know all about romance. When meeting the rather shy Kaede, who has secretly been in love with Yusuke for ages, she knows just what to do. In her seemingly fruitless attempt to teach them proper courting South-Korean style, Ji-ho must also deal with her own tragic loss.

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日本 2013

122 分

About Naoto KUMAZAWA

Naoto KUMAZAWA, born in Nagoya in 1967, studied at Seijo University in Tokyo and has since been working as a director, screenplay author, and editor. KUMAZAWA drew attention in 2005 with his first full-length film starring Yu AOI, LETTERS FROM KANAI NIRAI. His movies cover various genres, from family drama to horror, and in his most recent work, a manga adaption.